




  • 📝 Updated post Links and resources
  • Changed link component so icons for external links are added automatically, changed menus
  • Added lazy loading to Books based on intersection observer API (src )
  • UI/UX improvements to book filtering options and menus
  • Refurbished library page: added book covers, redesigned book cards, added pages for individual books, added Currently Reading item to homepage.
  • Changed to Mona Sans , replaced Favicon and made it dependent whether light or dark mode is active.
  • Added grainy background to hero and category element
  • Fixed inline code and other code formatting things
  • 📝 New post: Convert Pocketbook notes to Obsidian-flavoured markdown




  • Fixed book page SEO.
  • Implemented automatic updates of the books data file based on a Python script that translates a local spreadsheet into JSON
  • Added books page with several filter options
  • Added a menu for all options in top right that is fixed on mobile
  • Fixed search bar width using mostly Tailwind
  • Many small UI improvements for mobile screens
  • Optimised Lighthouse scores
  • New avatar image
  • Added SEO with dynamic Og Images, meta tags, and so forth
  • Archive section on homepage now shows a compact list of all posts
  • Improved search input so that all transitions are smooth and the search input is full-width on mobile
  • Added footnote support using remark-footnotes
  • Added a changelog page which is generated from the file, which is updated automatically with each commit message


  • Convert [slug]/+page.server.js to be fully dependable on api/posts, also for the content
  • Add category links to posts, created category cloud, and added category pages
  • Hero placeholder shows up on all screen sizes
  • Add tag for in templates
  • Syntax Highlighting with two themes that switch depending on active theme
  • Add compact post list for Archive
  • Added Fuse.js for client-side fuzzy search