A semi-random collection of links I thought may be of interest to you. Will be updated, sometimes…
Nice articles
- AHA Programming - Adds AHA (Avoid Hasty Abstractions) to the list of programming acronyms like DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and WET (Write Everything Twice).
- Keep It Stupid Simple, or Keep It Simple, Stupid - classic.
- @moxie's first impressions of web3 - This is the creator of Signal and this essay really clarified the modern web3 situation for me. Basically, low usability leads to (re-)centralisation.
- The Cult of Done Manifesto - Thomas Deneuville
- Augmenting Long-term Memory
(Academic) writing
- Hemingway Editor - Teaches you to write bold and clear language.
- Manchester Phrasebank
Cognitive science / data science / machine learning
- Complexity Explained
- CNN Explainer
- Visualizing A Neural Machine Translation Model
- Understanding LSTMs
- Andrej Karpathy: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
Web tools and inspiration
- Cari Institute - The "Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute", which holds a crazy collection of different aesthetics from the 1970s until now.
- Addy Codes Toolkit - Huge collection of tools and resources.
- V0 - Generative UI.
- https://www.shadcn-svelte.com/ - Free UI components by Vercel’s design engineer.
- autoregex.xyz - Generative regex
- PNG Pixel - Generates a tiny Base64 encoded pixel that you can use as a placeholder for things like lazy loading images.
- Heroicons
- Phosphor Icons
- spark-joy/README.md at master · sw-yx/spark-joy · GitHub
- http://sriramk.com/ - Indieweb OG
Good looking (websites) 😎
- Tim Hesterberg - the computational statistics guy and expert on bootstrapping / permutation tests.
- Bernardo Kastrup - the analytic idealism guy who says all is mind.